Hopeful Futures

The day we dropped Obed off at Luz y Amor Recovery Center.

After a wonderful visit from friends back home, we were encouraged by them to share the stories of those we serve here in Coopevega, Costa Rica.  Taking their advice, I will share three stories with you.  I am happy to introduce you to Daraci, Obed, and Luisa. 

Daraci after her first week of attending High School.

Daraci is a 14 year old girl who has the dream to be a doctor.  Last year her family moved out of town to work at a farm.  Daraci couldn't continue to go to school, because they lived too far away from the nearest high school.  A year later, their work at the farm ended, and they moved closer to town where they have family and better access to schools.  The beginning of the school year came and went and Daraci was still not in school.  When I inquired as to why not, I was given two reasons.  One reason was because they did not have the money to buy her school supplies or a uniform.  The second reason was because her mom needed her at home to help with her younger siblings. I proceeded to have a conversation with her mom about the way to break the cycle of poverty for their family through Daraci, but she would need to continue her education. I also offered to help with the school supplies and uniform.  Her mother agreed, and though it would be momentarily more difficult for her, hopes of a better future motivated her to allow her daughter to go to school.  Together we went to the High School to sign her up for the year.  After the papers were signed we turned to walk out.  I patted Daraci on the shoulder as I announced, "Here we have our future doctor."  Daraci responded with a big beautiful hopeful smile!

Obed's visit when he shares his hopes for change.

Do you remember Obed? He is the homeless addict who wanted to introduce us to some families that he said were poorer than he.  Well, he had a turn for the worst, and due to stealing was not allowed to come into town. So, he lived on the outskirts, and we rarely saw him until one day when I was driving out to visit a family and encountered him along the way.  I expressed my concern for him as he was living a life of bondage chained to his drug addictions.  Obed agreed and shared that he was ready to change.  Unfortunately I didn't believe him, but I gave him the opportunity to prove himself by inviting him to come to my house the next day and discuss it further.  I assumed he would forget all about it and not show up.  To my surprise he made it, and once again shared he was ready to change.  I told him that I would look into where we could send him.  Over the next couple of days as I discovered where we could bring him and the requirements needed to get him there, I was feeling discouraged.  Obed didn't have any form of identification, no family, no address, absolutely nothing.  The pastor who runs the center waved away all of the requirements for Obed.  Obed continued to show interest.  A few days later, we brought him to Luz y Amor Centro de Recuperacion.  Obed has been there for one month and Pastor Juan says that Obed is doing well and putting in the work toward recovery!

Luisa soon after her diagnosis of breast cancer.

Luisa is a 50 something year old woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer about 6 months ago.  She was found passed out on her floor.  A neighbor took her in and fed her, thinking that she had fainted from malnutrition.  Continuing to feel very poorly, Luisa was brought to the hospital in an ambulance. Though she is from Nicaragua and uninsured, they assessed her situation due to the emergency status.  They found she had a large mass and sent her home with a diagnosis of breast cancer.  Without money, without health insurance, and without the correct papers to apply for insurance, Luisa was left with a painful dilemma.  Between the neighbor who took her in and Luisa's daughter, 6 plus months later, she was finally able to apply for refugee status and with some strings pulled from a doctor in San Jose, she finally was able to get on the government health program. Luisa had her first appointment the 22nd of this month.  We are hoping to be able to continue to help her with her transportation needs back and forth to her appointments, as well as housing. 

 Please keep these three in your prayers as their stories have not ended in happily ever after.  Please pray that Daraci is able to continue her education for the next four years and see it through to graduation.  Please pray that Obed finishes his recovery program and finds a healthy environment to live in that will foster a clean life.  Please pray for Luisa that she is able to get all the treatment she needs and comes out cancer free.  Most of all pray that they have experienced the love of God and move forward with the hope of Heaven.


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