Building a Bike Track in a Cow Pasture


Local boys enjoying the track.

There’s not much for the youth to do in our town.  There is a soccer field that’s occasionally used, but beyond that the main outdoor activity, at least for the boys, is to ride their bikes up and down the streets.  We started pondering how to help provide healthy outlets for the kids in town as well as our own kids.   In a particular way we wanted to help encourage our twelve-year-old son to get outside and burn off some energy.  That’s where the idea of building a bike course evolved.  How would we do this?  Where could we build it?  Our landlord has lots of connections in town, so we thought we’d start with him.  He liked the idea, and said he’d ask around.  A short time later he got back to us and said he’d found the spot for us to build the bike track.  I have to admit, when I first saw the land, I felt a bit discouraged.  It was very overgrown with trees, bushes, tall grass, brush everywhere and the other problem was that there were cows and a horse living there.  The spot he found for us to build was in a cow pasture!  At least the land would be leased to us free of charge, so I thought let’s give it a try. 

A cow adding another pie to the newly dug track.

  A few days later my son Augustine and I went back over to begin building, after about an hour of digging I was more discouraged than ever.  I concluded that it was going to take many months to get this built, if at all.  As I sat and thought about it for a few more days, I finally concluded I would need some help.  After talking some more with our landlord, he said he could find a couple workers to help.  This made all the difference!  I was amazed how quickly they were able to clear the brush with their machetes, and the digging began.  Over the next two weeks I think I sweat more than I have since I was playing sports back in high school.  It was very hard work, but it felt great.  One of the guys who was working with me said, “I’ve never seen an American work so hard.  I thought they only sat by pools and ate at restaurants.”  It felt great to give him a different impression. 

Working with the guys.

It felt great to connect with the workers in town, to be at their level, to be out in the hot sun sweating with them and sharing in the exhaustion of a long, hard day’s work.  It also felt great to provide work for a few men in town, and to begin building relationships with them.  One of the guys has been out of work for awhile and they’ll be having their first baby in a couple months.  Another guy is mostly blind, which doesn’t allow him to work.  He came looking for a job so he could acquire some important documents he needs.  He didn’t just want to be handed money.  He wanted to work and so we found work for him!

David was able to help guide Jose, who is mostly blind and Jose was able to work hard alongside of David! This was real teamwork in action!

The bike track appears to be a success.  The kids in town are out there every afternoon.  Our boys have also gotten over there on several occasions, and it provides a ministry opportunity for them in hanging out with some of the other boys in town.  I am thankful we listened to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to build this and continue to be thankful for all the support we receive from all of you back in the states whose financial gifts allowed for this to happen.  God Bless!

Augustine landing a jump!


  1. Such a fun picture! God's love and blessings on all your service, efforts, family life, and in your hearts

  2. This is great! Way to persevere in this project! Prayers coming as you continue tuning in to the needs of Gods people


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