After a year in waiting, we have finally been able to welcome more visitors to Costa Rica! We have been blessed with several so far and there are more to come. We have a desire within us to share our life with others and to provide people with an experience of mission life. We are renting a guest house right across from us that has been providing our guests a place to stay. It is a simple home, yet clean and safe. We have really enjoyed sharing prayer time, meals, times of recreation, service opportunities, and the joys and struggles of our life here in mission with others. Rest, healing, service and Christian community are things we strive for our visitors to experience while they are here.
"It was beautiful to be welcomed into the Becker family's daily prayer life and to see how they opened the door of their home and of their hearts to the families in Coopevega." -Ellie |
My cousin, Ellie, spent two weeks with our family. She shared a room with Gemma and really became a part of the family. During her two week stay we prayed together, visited local homes together, and played together. Ellie was a true servant while she was here. She not only served alongside us, but also served us. She loved on those who came to our door, while also giving our children some special attention they don't normally get. Ellie beautifully gave witness to a life of prayer on our home visits, and even more so to our family. Our family prayer was enriched with Ellie joining in, as she added her voice in song, her thoughts of reflection after the Bible readings, and her prayers of intention for our family and those around us.

"The smiles will stay with me. Smiles from my children singing, This is the Day, as they danced around the living room, smiles from the poor families in the neighborhood, and smiles from the Nicaraguan men hitting a baseball for the first time in years." -Ken
The Fitzgerald Family spent two and a half months with us in Coopevega. They desired to experience life as a missionary family. They came running full speed as Norteamericanos are used to doing, and slowed down to the pace of life here in rural missions as time went by. The adjustment is not easy, but they recognized it was a blessing. It was so life giving for us to have the Fitzgerald's fellowship. We prayed together about the direction of ministry opportunities here in Coopevega, we made friends together, visited homes together. We shared our testimonies, practiced Spanish, exercised together, prayed over one another, went on dates together and gave each other the opportunity to go on a couple's getaway! Our girls became best of friends. We were so blessed to have those months with the Fitzgeralds. It affirmed our desire to be in mission with other families, together witnessing community life to those we serve!

"Playing games and sharing testimonies were highlights that I will carry with me for a long time."
Our friend, Steve, spent only a few days with us, but they were three very blessed days. On Wednesday, Steve joined in our Children's ministry, where he added some fun activities from his arsonal of youth group experience. On Thursday, Steve joined us in teaching the prayer of gratitude to families on our home visits. On Friday, Steve shared his testimony at the church to a small gathering of people. Steve had the perfect amount of "go with the flow" mixed with "I'm ready to do anything" attitude, perfect for the life of a missionary.
"Although it was depressing to see how the poor lived, it was rewarding to be able to help them in a small way." -Mia
My Dad and Step-Mom came to visit just in time for Easter. What a joy to be able to celebrate with family and friends! They got to meet all the Costa Rican missionaries on their visit as the other two FMC families joined us for an Easter grill out. In their short visit, they mixed in time to relax while reading on the porch, time to have an adventure by hiking in the jungle to a waterfall, and time to serve bringing "Easter Baskets" to some of the poor families we serve in the area. The Easter baskets provided a meal for these families beyond their normal rice and beans. The families were grateful for the gift, yet we are the ones who really grew in gratitude.
Aviana is waiting for our visitors at the guest house.
Thank you to our guests for coming to Costa Rica! We are better missionaries because you were here! We can't wait to welcome more. At this very moment, my mom and sister are packing their bags. My mom will bring needed medicine for another missionary here and new reading materials for our daughter. My sister is packing clothes, shoes and cloth diapers for the poor families in need. We would love to continue to welcome visitors. As long as we are here in Costa Rica, our doors are open to those who would like to visit.
I am so glad you have had visitors! God bless you! Sheila