Affirmation from the Bishop

Returning to the same mission post is a great experience!  We are on our second year in Costa Rica.  After visiting family and friends in Minnesota for the holidays, we were ready to return to our home in Costa Rica.  How good it was to have a home waiting for us, equipped with beds, pots, towels, and even some extra's.  Familiar faces (even names) and existing ministries are all blessings that we do not take for granted.  

Immediately, we had interactions with people we know!  Rosa brought us a gift of seven fish from her husband's successful outing, Arnovid and Mercedes were happy to continue our Thursday afternoon prayer times together, Isaac's chess students were ready to progress, Gemma's girls were interested to discover what new crafts were brought back from the United States, Obed introduced us to another family wanting to learn how to pray, Beto followed up on pursuing his desire to learn English, and the missionary kids were so happy to be reunited with one another.

Shortly after returning, we were graced with a meeting with the Bishop.  Since our arrival over a year ago, we hadn't met the Bishop, as is the custom when a new missionary arrives in the country.  We asked the bishop what is his vision for family missionaries.  What does he see as our primary role here in the Diocese of Cuidad Quesada in Costa Rica.  Bishop Herrera said that the witness of a faith filled family is the greatest gift missionaries can offer.  What a relief and what a joy to hear that coming from the Bishop.  We are fulfilling our mission here, just by our yes to the Lord and being here.  

Chess Club

Missionary kids having fun.

Francini gets to live with both of her grandmothers.

Isaac is in high demand.  He is not only teaching chess, but also English classes.

Praying the Divine Mercy chaplet with this lovely family.

Gemma's lovely ladies sporting their headbands they decorated.


  1. This is beautiful to see all God is using you for!!! Angela


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