The Risk to Love

The life of a missionary brings the risk of feeling the pain of those you are serving.  The poor, the needy, are no longer those people over there.  They are now personal relationships with names faces, shared experiences, friends.  It is sad when it is that person over there, but when you have been in their house and looked in the eyes of their kids, it becomes part of my life too.

My friend from Peru, Luisdina, has been calling me in desperation telling me that they are completely out of food.  They can't leave their home, her husband has no work, and their four boys are hungry.  My heart hurts for them.

I checked in with my friend, Sarina, to see if she had recovered from her serious diarreah.  She told me through tears, that it has been 15 days, and she is afraid.  There are no doctors around, and they have no money.  I find myself fearing for her life.  Something that could be so simple, turns into something life threatening

Now, here we are in a new mission post, beginning new relationships. Do we take the risk again?  Do we take the time to enter into new relationships?

A few weeks ago, a single mom of three boys took the risk in the midst of the stay-at-home order to come to my house and sell the fish her 14 year old son had caught.  I took the opportunity to ask a few questions:  How are people doing during this hard time?  Do they have work?  Do they have food?  How is your family?  Do you have food?  She answers they do.  Three weeks later, she returned, sheepishly reminding me of the question I had previously asked.  Then informing me that they are now out of food.   We are privileged to be able to give her food.

On one of our evening walks, we passed by a neighbor who we see regularly.  Usually we wave and continue on our way, but this time, we stopped to talk.  She shared with us that they are struggling.  Her husband hurt his back and can no longer cut grass (they do this with a machete), so they are without money to pay for their needs.  I invited her to work for me cleaning our house.  She has faithfully come and works hard.  It has also provided an opportunity for Aviana to make a new friend as she has been bringing along her 3 year old daughter.

The relationships are beginning.  Once again, we are taking the risk, because it is where we find how to really love.


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