Life in Costa Rica

We have been in Costa Rica for two months now, and overdue in sharing about it.  First of all, we are safe, healthy, and grateful for the ways God continues to care for us.  We live in a quiet, peaceful, and beautiful little pueblo called, Coopevaga.  It is a small, rural farming town 50 minutes down a rocky, dirt road.  We are so excited that we have a Catholic chapel here with the Eucharist and normally weekly Masses!  We also have two small grocery stores within walking distance, which is such a treat!  We love having two other missionary families near by.  The Geerling Family lives right across from us, allowing our children play together almost daily.  The Henneman Family lives about a 15 minute walk from us, and we see them multiple times a week.  It has been a huge blessing to have their support as well as regular time to pray together as a community!  We have decided to enroll Augustine, Bridget, and Aviana in school this year.  We are hoping that it will help them learn the Spanish language.  They are finding school difficult, but we are hoping that with more time it will become more enjoyable for them.  Isaac and Gemma continue to study from home and seem self motivated to learn the language.  We are continuing to discover the area, the people, the needs, and our personal mission here in Coopevaga, Costa Rica.    

The Becker kids in Costa Rica!  "I like where we live.  We live in a beautiful place off of the main road.  It is a good place to reflect and pray." -Isaac

Aviana's first day of school.  She was all ready to be in class with her friend Lulu, one of the other missionary kids. She left our house so excited, but once we got to the school she had big 
"don't leave me" tear drops in her eyes. 

Unfortunately, the first day was the only day they left with smiles on their faces.  Then they discovered everything was in Spanish.  We are still hopeful that their attitudes will change with time.  Every Monday Bridget wears her Physical Education uniform to school. 

Bridget has a missionary friend, Vivi, in her class at school.  Vivi was in school last year, and is able to help translate so that Bridget knows what is happening in class.  We are so grateful for her help and friendship!

Bridget wants you all to know that she is NOT happy about going to school.

Although, I do often catch her with a smile on her face!

"I have more friends in my class, but they don't speak English.  I'm still just learning Spanish, but I think I'll learn it this year." - Aviana

We celebrated Bridget's 8th birthday, on March 3rd!

Bridget has a special place in her heart for animals, so she got a couple of cats for her birthday!  "I like that I have two kittens and my friends here in Costa Rica.  We play Capture the Flag, Caterpillar and the Fox, Everyone's it Tag, and Freeze Tag!"  -Bridget

Birthday fun with the Geerling and Henneman girls!  It is such a gift to have two other missionary families living in the same town as us! 

We were so blessed to have a short term mission trip come serve in Coopevaga.  All of the girls wanted to sit together for every meal!  "It was really fun having the short term mission group here.  We played a lot of fun running games after meals.  They felt like a part of our mission team here, I miss them." -Gemma

The priest on the mission trip was able to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass in a pueblo that would have otherwise not have had mass.
The mission team prayed with people after mass asking for their intentions and healing.

While our kids played with their kids!  So much fun!

Discovering the Guanabana fruit in the trees outside our house.  They are very sweet!
Joining my fellow missionary friend, Millie, on a home visit.  Baby Glenda is 1 month old.
Our first visitors to Costa Rica!  Augustine's friend and his dad!  "I was looking forward to Steven's visit.  I wish he could have stayed longer." -Augustine
Our visitors graciously helped us finish a work project and joined us on a couple of home visits.

Sharing our reflections on Sunday's Gospel, which was the woman at the well.   Dorisel can connect as they have a well outside of their house, where they have to gather the water by pulling it up in buckets.  

Dorisel's boys are enjoying their new gift.

Jason had to show them what to do.  Once they caught on, we ate a lot of fish!  Yum yum!

Aviana is marveling at the baby's napping spot.
Gemma teaching these two how to play memory.  

They liked it!  

Thank you!

We are hopeful that soon we can pull through this time of the coronavirus pandemic and get back into serving the people here in Costa Rica. In the meantime our prayers are with you and with all.  Our hope is that this is a time for each of us to connect with our God in a more profound way and for all nations to repent and turn to the Lord!  We have so much to be grateful for, Praise the Lord for his love and mercy.  Amen


  1. God bless you, thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Life here has slowed down considerably, the Governor just issued a stay home order unless you are an essential worker, need groceries or medical care, or gasoline or to care for someone else. I work i education, not an essential worker! we are working from home (or reading blogs from missionaries on our break!) Know of our prayers for you...
    Ann Schiffer - St. Joe's

  2. Thanks for giving us glimpses of your life, Becker Family, and for the many sacrifices (including school in spanish!) that you are choosing in order to bring the Lord and his love to others. God bless you all! Karen and David Groppel and family


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