Hopeful Thoughts

Eber with his mom and sister, at the local clinic receiving  fluids though an IV.

Last week three women (mom, wife, and sister) came to our house asking if we could help a family member who needed to go to Lima for surgery.  We didn't fully understand what the problem was or what exactly they were asking for, so we made a few inquiries to people we trusted.  We heard rumors that if this young man couldn't get to Lima, he would die.  We also heard that he had painful kidney stones, but would be fine.  Finally, we talked to the local doctor, and found out that this young man's situation was very serious, because of some added complications with infection and hydration issues, and if he didn't have surgery soon, his life could be in danger.   We went to visit Eber, to pray with him and find out exactly how we could help.  We saw that this young man was suffering greatly, and also discovered that he was anticipating the birth of his first child any day.

I'm not exactly sure what Eber thought about the prospect of his long term future, but I can only imagine at this point in his life, there might be some temptation to despair.  Thoughts of what if his family can't raise the money they need to get him to Lima for surgery.  What if it takes too long? What will happen?  What about his wife and child?

After our visit with Eber, and with more counsel and prayer, we decided the best way we could help Eber was to purchase their plane tickets to Lima.  Eber's father would accompany him on his journey.  Once the ticket's were purchased, the family gave thanks and were able to move forward.  I can imagine there had to be a mental shift within Eber.  A shift toward hopeful thoughts.  A shift from endlessly enduring pain to I only have so many more days until surgery.  A shift from I can't, to I can.  I can get the help I need, I can hold my baby, I can provide for my family, I can live!  Lima, here I come!


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