Edwardo's Healing

Corpus Christi in Pictoa.

A few weeks ago, Edwardo and his abuela (grandma), joined a small group of us in travelling into Picota for the Feast of Corpus Christi, where we attended Mass followed by a Eucharistic procession.  I was happy to see this young 10-year-old boy interested in joining us for Mass, a gift the people of Leoncio Prado rarely have the privilege of receiving.  
            After this outing, I didn’t see Edwardo for quite some time, only to find out he had been in bed for the past two weeks due to terrible wounds on his feet.  These wounds continued to spread and worsen all over his body.  When I went to visit Edwardo, my stomach churned at the sight of his wounds.  I worried about the possibility of what could happen to this young boy if it didn’t start taking a turn for the better.  I prayed with Edwardo for healing.  I began by walking him through making an Act of Faith.  He proclaimed his belief in Christ and His power to heal.  I asked Edwardo if he was carrying any sins that might be keeping him from being close to God. He said he did and proceeded into a litany of his sins asking the Lord for forgiveness.  Then, Edwardo invited the Lord to fill his heart and together we asked the Lord for healing of Edwardo’s wounds.  I must admit, I was disappointed that his wounds didn’t disappear before our eyes.  Thankfully, the story isn’t over yet.  I left Edwardo with a prayer booklet, encouraging him to spend his time in prayer, uniting his suffering and his boredom to Christ’s cross.  
My first visit with Edwardo.

His feet just continued to get worse after this picture was taken.

            Late the following evening, as we returned from evening Mass, I delivered some medicine to Edwardo.  It was 10:30pm, and everyone was awake.  Edwardo was crying out in pain and his poor mother’s eyes were filled with worry for her son (heart ached from not knowing what else to do for her son). I looked upon his wounds and saw that they were deeper than before and now filled with yellow puss. I felt certain he was going to need medical attention in a larger city.  I prayed over him asking for healing once again, and then left to give his mother some pain medicine in hopes that Edwardo might be able to get some sleep that night.  
            I was sure I would get a knock on the door the next day asking for help.  To my surprise two days passed without a word.  We went to visit and found him sitting in a chair praying the Oracion Del Enfermo prayer from the booklet we had given him on the first visit.  His mother gave us a big smile, sharing with us how happy she is that her son is better!  Edwardo looked up, gave us a great big smile and thanked the Lord for His healing!  Edwardo was excited to show me how fascinating it was that his skin was peeling off and in its place he had skin as soft as a baby.  
Edwardo praying from his prayer booklet!

            What a relief!  What a joy to find this family so happy and Edwardo healing!  Edwardo still has some days to keep his feet up until full recovery, but he is over the worse and healing well!  Praise the Lord!  He did come with His healing power in His way and in His time!


  1. Know of our continued prayers for each of you.
    God is using you in such powerful ways.

  2. God is so good! Thank you for sharing his amazing work with us. We are praying for you. :)


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