Growing in Virtue
“It is good that everything is not always to our liking; for adversity makes people look into their hearts in order to realize that they are exiles and must not put their hopes in any worldly thing.” The Imitation of Christ
My prayer is that through this experience of mission life, we can have our eyes more solidly fixed on the Lord. I must admit at first glance, I might think that we are failing in this goal. But, upon more reflection, I recognize that gold is tested by fire, and the struggle we are living is refining us.
“Prudence is the capacity to face reality squarely in the eye, without allowing emotion or ego to get in the way, and do what is best for the team.” My husband has tirelessly been pushing beyond comfort, language, and countless challenges to put things in place for our family to be able to be in a healthy place and make it here. Thanks to Jason we can sleep well at night, with the security of a ceiling over our heads. Thanks to Jason we can get to Mass on Sunday, because we have transportation. Thanks to Jason we have family time, because he knows how to set healthy boundaries!
Watching my son, Isaac, carry 5 Gallon jugs of water home from across the plaza I recognize a strength in him. Knowing that change and lack of structure are hard for him, yet he is pushing right into it, and I see him growing in virtue. Isaac is trying to speak in Spanish to those around him, he is interacting with our neighbors, store venders, the people at church, and those who knock on our door. He is pressing into the unknown and is determined to face the challenges around him.
“Dissatisfaction is the misconception that you need more than what you already have. Contentment is choosing not to look at the lack, but see the abundance.” Bridget’s 7thbirthday was two days after we arrived in Peru. I have set high expectations for my children’s birthdays. It usually consists of their choice of meals, a friend party, dinner with grandparents, and a bunch of presents. I was concerned how this birthday would be received. She was able to choose a movie to watch with the Erisman kids, go out for dinner, and eat cupcakes! She was amazing! She didn’t look back, but was content with what was before her!
Praise you Lord for the pressure and the lessons that we are growing in virtue!
Inge, thank you for sharing. Very interesting, beautiful pictures. Keep going...