Day to Day Blessings

Life in Louisiana- Mission Formation

Now that we've had a chance to get a few weeks of mission formation under our belts, we'd like to share and reflect a bit on how we're doing and what life looks like here at Big Woods Mission.

We feel so blessed by the life here, the daily rhythm, the formation classes, times of prayer and work, and the friendships we have been forming.  We have been asked to spend at least thirty minutes per day with Jesus in the chapel.  This time of prayer has been such a blessing and source of strength and comfort.  We also have had opportunities to experience Christ in the beautiful community we are now a part of.  It's an incredibly unifying experience to be around others who have also left jobs, homes, families, etc. to respond to this invitation to come and follow Jesus to all the ends of the earth!  

Here's a very brief overview of our life here:  Every morning we gather together at 8:00am for breakfast followed by community morning prayer.  Our prayer together is blessed and beautiful.  We praise the Lord with song, pray Liturgy of the Hours, or the Rosary.  After prayer the children go to Children's Ministry.  We have morning classes while the children are in their program.  Mondays and Wednesdays we have SI SeƱor classes which focus on practical aspects of mission living, and an Acts of the Apostles Bible Study.  Tuesdays and Fridays we have Teaching Workshops and reflections/study on Saint John Paul II's Mission of the Redeemer.  The afternoons are a time of work/service/homeschooling.  On Thursdays things look a little different with us spending the morning visiting a nursing home, and then having time in the afternoon to run errands, etc.  Most evenings we share dinner in community, and on Friday nights we have an extended time of praise and worship.  We also celebrate a Lord's Day meal together on Saturday evenings.  Sundays are a day of rest and family time!  Here are a few snapshots from our first few weeks!

Bridget, Aviana and Augustine during Kids's Ministry time

Bridget and Gemma having fun with friends!

Gemma and Jason getting some prayer time in the chapel.

Fresh Shrimp!  

Excited for dinner!

Gemma's new friend.

Our meal team getting ready to lead prayer.

Friday evening praise and worship.

Augustine and Aviana interacting with residents at the nursing home.

One of God's beautiful paintings closing out another day at Big Woods Mission!


  1. I love seeing these pictures! It reminds me a little bit of living at camp. So glad you are well!

  2. Such rich experiences for your family. Continued prayers for all of you!

  3. So glad things are going well! God Bless!

  4. So good to see a few pictures and hear a few stories!! We pray for you daily!!

  5. You continue to be in our prayers. It is great to see the pictures and to hear how you are doing. God bless you as you head to Mexico!


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