Committed to Prayer
I came across another missionary's list of prayer intentions. As I was reading through this list of intentions, I desired to have people praying these for our family! We humbly ask for you to commit to pray for us, and to use these intentions to help you do so:
- For boldness in sharing the Truth
- Pray for them to speak with a bold Truth, soaked with love and grace, to be an agent of healing.
- Ephesians 6:20
- For clarity of mind and message
- Pray for their words to be succinct and well understood, for hearts to hear and receive the Truth and for it to be presented clearly.
- Colossians 4:4
- For a harvest
- Pray for each seed that is sown to be watered, tended, grow, and eventually bear fruit. Pray that God would do amazing things in each life, in each family, in each community for His glory.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:1
- For language fluency
- Pray for the missionaries to speak well and understand clearly the language(s) where they serve. Pray for them to learn quickly, remember accurately, and pronounce well.
- 1 Corinthians 13:1
- For cultural understanding & connection
- Pray for the missionaries to be aware of cultural differences and to embrace them. Pray for ways to bridge the cultural divide and make solid connections with native people.
- For unity within their team
- If the missionary has a team they work with, pray for unity among them. Pray for them to truly love one another, to be patient (long-suffering!), to extend mercy, and to share purpose.
- Colossians 3:12-16
- For protection and/or deliverance from bad situations
- Pray for those in hostile countries to be safe. Pray for protection from corruption and lies and the enemy who would use situations to deter them from their calling.
- 2 Corinthians 1:10-11
- For people to remember them in prayer
- Pray for God to stir hearts all over to pray for them when it is needed. Pray for an awakening in the Church; for it to stop being so complacent and to remember to pray with passion and dedication.
- Ephesians 6:18
- For the financial needs of the ministry to be met
- Pray for God to supply every need and for there to be no discouragement while they wait for that to happen.
- Philippians 4:6
- For their walk with God
- It can be exhausting, disheartening, isolating work to be out in the mission field. Pray for missionaries to be refreshed in the Lord, to continually draw closer to Him. Pray for their faith to be bolstered and their confidence in Christ to be unshaken. Pray for a hunger to be in the Word and prayer.
- For their marriages
- Pray for these couples in the field, that the work of the ministry never eclipses the efforts they sow into their marriage or exhausts them so much that the enemy is able to gain a foothold to attack their marriage. Pray for fidelity and unity.
- For their children
- Pray for the MKs (missionary kids). Pray for God to protect them and pray for their hearts to be tender to the Holy Spirit.
- For their parenting
- Pray that the missionaries you are remembering before the Lord would have the strength to do the hard things that parents have to do, even when they are overwhelmed by the ministry. Pray for times to play and laugh and bond with their children, too.
- For their friendships
- Relationships are so important. Pray that God sends encouragers, prayer warriors, co-laborers, and people who will remind them to laugh. Pray for godly friendships to spring up and flourish.
- For time to rest & renew
- Pray that God would lead them to pockets of peace in each day and Sabbath rest each week.
- Psalm 23
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