Following Jesus

Thursday morning we started driving to Louisiana for formation with Family Missions Company! As we drove off, we read the daily readings and the Gospel reading spoke to us in a very personal way: "Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men." When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him." As hard as it was to get rid of our things, leave our house, say good-bye to family and friends, we have an even greater joy in knowing that we are following Jesus! We have arrived at Big Woods, FMC training grounds! We officially begin formation tomorrow morning with 5 other families, and 15 singles! We will share all three meals together, pray together, work together, and be inspired by other missionaries through teachings all as a part of our formation day. Today we spent the day making our little house a home. Unpacking suitcases, and hanging up personal touches. It is ama...