Step by Step

"Lord Jesus, we have asked that you lead us and guide us.  We praise you and thank you for doing so.  You are leading us on this journey!  We thank you for the confirmations that you have been giving us as we take each new step in following you on this journey into foreign missions!  Amen!"

Our house is SOLD!  
This was another significant step of faith for us, handing it all over to the Lord.  Step by step we are getting closer to our departure date.

Here was a little of the process of getting our house ready:

Sorting, purging, boxing, sending.
Does it stay for now?  Should it go today?
Who would like this?  Can somebody use that?
How many more days can she play with it?  Bring it to Louisiana?  Mexico?  Then where?
No more time to think!  Don't stop now!
 It's time to have it pretty, perfect, tidy, clean.
Quick hide it, burn it, send it out!
Ready? Now!

The boys room was a monsterous task, but so good to see the final result!


Good riddens carpet!
We'll miss you swing set!
Quick, we need to get rid of it!  Into the fire!

Finally ready!


  1. Yay! Great news and confirmation! So enjoyed chatting with you this week. We'll be praying for you all.

  2. I can't even imagine how much work that was! Praying for you!

  3. The way you have persevered through this initial time of detachment is a powerful witness, Beckers! I am so inspired by the way you are moving forward in this mission as a family. You are in the Hendersons' prayers!


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