Feeding the Hungry and Sheltering the Homeless

I was talking to a friend over Christmas break, and she was wondering if there is anything happening back at our mission posts. I was convicted that I have not sent an update in a long time informing you of what is happening. My apologies to all of you in the United States as well as to those abroad in Coopevega, Costa Rica and Leoncio Prado, Peru. You all deserve to have these stories be told. We continue to send regular funding to Costa Rica to help feed the hungry. We navigate that by sending funds to the Waldrop family, FMC missionaries living in Santa Rosa, Costa Rica. They take that funding to go buy the supplies, deliver it to the Claretian Sisters in Coopevega, who then distribute it according to need in the area. The sisters are very grateful for this assistance, as there are a lot of people in need, and they wouldn't be able to help them without this extra food coming in. Sister Vanessa and an FMC missionary family de...